Sunday, April 11, 2010
Busy week
White gold necklace with awesome pendant *done*
Inviting friends *done*
Get all the makeup items *semi done*
Stuffs for decoration of the venue *not done*
Cake. Ughhh have been cracking my head abt the flavour *so not done*
Loads of things to prepare for a party. AND IM EXCITED (:
Totally packed week~ Attended several talks in LSC and gained more knowledge on human being's bodily functions. And they have food afterwardssss yumms! hahahah yes, that's how i gained my 2.5kg in TWO months time. I look better in current weight, yes i do! *self-hypnotizinggggggg* Ohhhhhh, just back from blood donation campaign from milk god temple aka i forgot the SriLanka actual name -.- LOL 4 hours sweating definitely burns some fat xD oooppppssyyy i think i replenished 'em during mua lunch *wink* Penang's food is too good to resist kkkk?!
I've been hunting all the party items for the entire week and i'm half done only =/ Really hope it'll be a memorable night. What's the suggestion for the after-party? hahaha
p/s: I've totally forgot about my proposal & FYP. What to do now? 0.O Labels: college, internship, life
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