Its my birthday today. ^^ First of all i just wanna thank all of my friends, For the wishes, presents and surprises.
Most of all, I wanna thank my dear for everything. =) You're the best in the world. ♥ I love you~ ♥
My housemates, Dear, Eve, Mincci and Ecery, celebrated my birthday with a simple small cake. (You'll know why it is 'small' later) They sang me the "happy birthday" song too xD They did took a video of it, but it was just too dark, so im not gonna post it up.
Mincci and Eve gave me a T-shirt for my birthday. (Ill post a pic later)
Before i went to school today, as i was packing my bag. I put my hand inside my back to grab my wallet. I felt something different inside my bag, So i look into it. I saw a blue wallet inside. I was like OMG~ I took it out, It was brand new hehe. I knew it by then that dear bought me this as my present. She said that she snuck into my room 9am in the morning. And slipped the new wallet into my bag, In exchange with my old one. She really surprised me this time. Thanks dear ^^ I love the wallet alot.
Today in school, My coursemates celebrated my birthday too. Huan, One of my good friend, even cooked me some green bean soup.
Well, there was one day, he told me in msn that he cooked green bean soup. I was just joking and i said I wanted him to cook it for me.
He really did today o.O He really kept my words in his heart. I was so touched when i know that he cooked it. Thnx huan, thnx alot =) I really appreciate it.
My coursemates bought me a cake. (This is why dear and the others didnt buy a big one) When i first saw the cake, i knew that i was gonna get 'caked' on my face. Well, it kinda became our class tradition. We would push the candle as deep as we could into the cake, and ask the birthday boy to bite it out.
Heres the cake. Aint it pretty? The one who bought this cake REALLY wants me to get 'cake' Just look at all the cream balls on top of the cake. Heres me...getting...'caked' Someone help me? lol Heres the cake after I thought it was a waste, But all of them didnt mind they said they can still eat it. Well thats wad i like about being in a class, with all boys =) We dont care that much as long as we're buddies. I was trying to wipe the cakes from my face. I couldnt wipe it clean cos the cream, was all over my face. Still i smiled to the camera xD I had to wash my face and hair in the toilet. Heres a video of me after being 'caked' The camera man asked me, Camera man : How do you feel today? Me : Happy...touched. Camera man : How do you feel after being 'caked'? Me : Still happy.
Thanks guys for everything ^^
After that i went home, Dear prepared home made dinner for me. o.O (with a lilttle help from mincci, thnx mincci) After having a tired day in school till 7pm, I came back and enjoyed the meal prepared by dear.
She made mushroom soup, Grill dori fish, Apple and aloe vera juice,
and salad. Dear said that the lemon was to make it feel, A little more classy. LOL Anyway, They were very delicous dear, Thank you for the dinner. ^^ Love you so much ~♥
After having my dinner, I opened the present that Cyn gave me uhh, a few months ago HAHA. Its very nice and meaningful. ^^ thnx alot hehe Because i was wearing the shirt Mincci and Eve gave me, So i had to took a picture of myself. Heres the shirt they gave, its very nice, plain enuf xD i love it. Thnx girls I also received a mail from my parents. They mailed a birthday card and 'Ang Pao' to me. Again thnx alot mom and dad. Love and miss you guys. Well thats all for my birthday. Once again, i wanna thank all of my friends and family, especially dear, for making my birthday a memorable one. I will never forget this day.
Arent they adorable? They look so innocent, so cute, so....white. Wished i could hug one in my arms.
How would you like it to be whacked hard over the head as a 'sport'?! These are just helpless mammals.
Norway and Canada have a new kind of tourism. Killing baby seals. They call it a 'sport'.
Should we call this sports? Does he look like a sportsman to you? I dont think so. He looks more of a barbarian to me.
These poor little seals would just probably ask, (Talking as a seal from here onwards) Why?
Why kill us as a sport?
This barbarism shouldnt be possible in our society.
Dont harm us, we are defenseless.
I know these images seem painful for you, but we feel the pain. We are the ones being slaughtered.
What gives them the right to kill us? Who is he to decide about life and death? We have lifes too, We have the right to live on in this world.
What kind of sport is this? I didnt harm anyone. I was just swimming around. Playing with friends and family.
Can you really just watch and ignore these pictures? Dont you feel anything? Are you that cold-hearted?
Please help us. We dont want to feel the pain and end up like that.
We still have lots to do in this world. Please dont leave us alone.
I dont wanna be alone. I miss my family. Mom... Dad... I miss you...
Live on child, Be strong, Mom and Dad will always be right by your side, Watching over you. Look upon the sky, Search for the brightest star, You will find us there.
(Me talking back) My eyes were all watery when i write this post. About mom and dad.
If it is possible, Post this topic in your blogs and help spread it to the world. Its the least we could do to help, Right?
By the way, Dear's feeling alot better now, Thnx to your wishes.
Sensitive, sentimental at times. Dreamy & enjoy life to the max!~
an aries penang babe with attitude! simple life full of excitement. hearts dear & friends & family. alive, GLAMOROUS and that's me (: